Muluneh, A.A., Cuffaro, M., Tesfaye Kidane, Along-strike variation in deformation style inferred from kinematic reconstruction and strain rate analysis: A case study of the Ethiopian Rift. Phy. Earth. Planet. Int. 27 (176-182), 2017.
Asfaw E. Doelesso, G. Corti, A. Agostini, F. Sani, G. Mussetti, Tesfaye Kidane, Modeling along-axis variations in fault architecture in the Main Ethiopian Rift: implications for Nubia-Somalia kinematics, J.Geodynamics, 102 (24-38), 2016.
Ameha A. Muluneh, Tesfaye Kidane, Marco Cuffaro, Carlo Doglioni, Torque Exerted on the Side of Crustal Blocks Controls the Kinematics of Ethiopian Rift. J.Afric.Earth.Sci.116(2016)1-8 004 View abstract
Hyeon-seon, A., Tesfaye Kidane, Otofuji, Y., Y. Yamamoto, Low geomagnetic field intensity in the Matuyama Chron: Paleomagnetic study of the lava sequence from Afar depression, East Africa. Geophys. J. Int. (2016), doi: 10.1093/gji/ggv303.
Tesfaye Kidane, Strong clockwise block rotation of the Ali-Sabieh/A ̈ısha Block: evidence for opening of the Afar Depression by a ‘saloon-door’ mechanism in Wright, T. J., Ayele, A., Ferguson, D. J., Tesfaye Kidane & Vye-Brown, C. (eds) Magmatic Rifting and Active Volcanism. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 420, 2015.
Wright, T. J., Ayele, A., Ferguson, D. J., Tesfaye Kidane & Vye-Brown, C. (eds) Magmatic Rifting and Active Volcanism. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 420, 2015.
Balemwal Atnafu, Tesfaye Kidane, Anneleen Foubet, David Jaramillo-Vogel, Jean-Pierre Henriet, Jean-Charles Schaegis, Reading History from Afar: A look at the sedimentary record in northern Ethiopia tells the story of oceans past and may be the future. EOS, Vol. 96. N0.2. FEB. 2015.
Singer, B.S., Jicha, B.R., Condon, D.J., Macho, A.S., Hoffman, K.A., Dierkhising, J., Brown, M.C., Feinberg, J.M., Tesfaye Kidane. Precise ages of the Réunion event and Huckleberry Ridge excursion: episodic clustering of geomagnetic instabilities and the dynamics of flow within the outer core. Earth Planet. Sci., 405 (2014) 25-38.
Gaddisa Deyassa, Seifu Kebede, Tenalem Ayenew, Tesfaye Kidane. Crystalline basement aquifers of Ethiopia: Their genesis, classification, and aquifer properties. J. African. Earth.Sci., 100 (2014) 191–202.
Tesfaye Kidane, Valerian Bachtadse, Mulugeta Alene. Quaternary remagnetization of the Neoproterozoic limestone of Negash Synclinorium (Arabian–Nubian Shield, northern Ethiopia): With implications of no paleomagnetic testing for the proposed Snowball Earth events. Physics. Earth. Planet. Int. 10.1016/j.pepi.2014.07.005.2014.
Tesfaye Kidane, Paleomagnetic dating of Enticho Sandstone at Negash locality (Tigrai region, Northern Ethiopia), Implication for Quaternary Remagnetization. SINET: Ethiop. J. Sci., 37(1):000–000, ISSN: 0379–2897, 2014.
Tesfaye Kidane, Francis Brown, Casey Kidney, Magnetostratigraphy of the fossil rich Shungura Formation in southwest Ethiopia. J.African. Earth. Sci. 97 (2014)207-223.
Tesfaye Kidane, Valerian Bachtadse, Mulugeta Alene, Uwe Kirscher, Paleomagnetism of Paleozoic Glacial Sediments of Northern Ethiopia; a Contribution Towards African Permian Paleogeography, Geophy. J. Int. doi. 10.1093./gji/ggt336. 2013.
Muluneh, A.A, Tesfaye Kidane, Julie Rowland & valerian Bachtadse. Counterclockwise Block Rotation linked to Southward Propagation and Overlap of Sub aerial Red Sea Rift segments, Afar Depression: Insight From Paleomagnetism. Tectonophysics 593 (2013) 111–120. doi. 10.1016/j.tecto.2013.02.030.
Giacomo Corti, Melody Philippon, Federico Sani, Derek Keir, & Tesfaye Kidane; Stress re-orientation and pure extensional faulting at oblique rift margins: comparison between data from the main Ethiopian Rift and laboratory experiments, Tera Nova DOI: 10.1111/ter.12049, 13 MAY 2013.
Balemwal Atnafu & Tesfaye Kidane, Age estimation of the deposition of the Cretaceous Upper Sandstone and a later Remagnetization event, from Hirna area, SE Ethiopia. Phys. Earth. Planet. Int. 176,190-191(2012), doi.:10.1016/jpepi.2011.10.004.
Jacques, E. Tesfaye Kidane, P. Tapponier, I. Manighetti, Y. Gaudemer, B. Meyer, J.C. Ruegg, L. Audin, and R. Armijo, Normal Faulting during the August 1989 Earthquakes in central Afar: Sequential triggering and propagation of rupture along the Dobi graben, Seismological Research Letters; May/June 2011; v. 82; no. 3; p. 464-465; DOI: 10.1785/gssrl.82.3.464, 2011.
Tesfaye Kidane, Yo-Ichiro Otofuji, Komatsu Yutaka, Hisaya Shibasaki, Masahiko Yokoyama, Structural and geochronological implications of the Fentale Volcanics at a nascent passive margin of the Main Ethiopian Rift: Constraints from magnetostratigraphy study at the Kereyou Lodge, Ethiopia, Tectonophysics. Vol. 495. 3-4, 159-170, 2010. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2010.09.004.
Ferguson, D.J., T. D. Barnie, D. M. Pyle, C. Oppenheimer, Gezahegn Yirgu, Elias Lewi, Tesfaye Kidane, S.Carn, I. Hamling, Recent rift-related volcanism in Afar, Ethiopia, Earth. Planet. Sci. Lett. 292, 3-4, 2010.
Tesfaye Kidane, Mike Fuller & Yo-Ichiro Otofuji, Shipboard Palaeomagnetic Age Estimates for an Acoustic Basement Emplacement in Marion Plateau, ODP Leg 194, NE Australia, Journal Australian Earth Sciences (2010) 57, (231-242).
Tesfaye Kidane, Yo-Ichiro Otofuji, Hisaya Shibasaki, and Komatsu Yutaka, Paleomagnetism of the Fentale-magmatic segment, main Ethiopian Rift: New evidence for counterclockwise block rotation linked to transtensional deformation, Phys.Earth.Planet.Int. 176, 109-123 (2009), doi.:10.1016/jpepi.2009.04.006
Tesfaye Kidane, Yo-ichiro Otofuji, Francis Brown, Kazuhiro Takemoto, and Getachew Eshete, Two Normal paleomagnetic polarity intervals recorded in the Lower Matuyama Epoch in Sedimentary rocks of the Shungura Formation, Omo Valley, Southwest Ethiopia, Earth. Planet. Sci. Lett. 262 (2007) 240-256. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2007.07.047
Ayami K. Baba, Takaaki Matsuda, Tetsumaru Itaya, Yutaka Wada, Noriyuki Hori, Masahiko Yokoyama, Nobuaki Eto, Rieko Kamei, Haider Zaman, Tesfaye Kidane, and Yo-Ichiro Otofuji, New age constraints on counter-clockwise rotation of NE Japan, Geophys. J. Int. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2007.03513x.
Atalay Ayele, Eric Jacques, Mohammed Kassim, Tesfaye Kidane, Ahmed Omar, Steven Tait, Alexandre Nercessian, Jean-Bernard de Chabalier, Geoffrey King, The volcano-seismic crisis in Afar, Ethiopia, starting September 2005, Earth. Planet. Sci. Lett. 255 (2007) 177-187. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2006.12.014.
Julie Rowland, Elizabeth Baker, Cindy Ebinger, Derek Keir, Tesfaye Kidane, Juliet Biggs, & Nick Hayward, Fault growth at a nascent slow-spreading ridge: 2005 Dabbahu rifting episode, Afar, Geophys. J. Int, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2007.03584.x.
Tesfaye Kidane, E. Platzman, C. Ebinger, B. Abebe, & Pierre Rochette, Paleomagnetic Constraints on Continental Breakup Processes: Observation from the Main Ethiopian Rift (MER), J. Geol. Soc. London, V, 259, 167-185, 2006
Fuller, M., Molina-Garza R., Touchard, Y., and Tesfaye Kidane, ODP Legs in the Southern Ocean and Marion Plateau: Paleomagnetic Records from Carbonates, Phys. Earth, Planet, Int., 156 (2006) 242-260.
Liz Baker, J. Rowland, C. Ebinger, D. Keir, Tesfaye Kidane, J. Biggs and N. Hayward (2006), Fault Growth at a Nascent Spreading Ridge: 2005 Dabbahu Episode, Afar EOS Trans. AGU, 87 (52), T41B-1561.
Audin, L., X. Quidelleur, E. Coulie, V. Courtillot, S. Gilder, P.Y. Gillot, P. Tapponnier, and Tesfaye Kidane, Paleomagnetic constraints and timing of deformation associated with the onland propagation of the Aden ridge into SE Afar during the last 8 Myr, Geophys.J.Inter. Volume158 Issue 1 Page 327 July 2004 doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2004.02286.x
Lahitte, P., Tesfaye Kidane, V.Courtillot, A.Bekele, P.-Y Gillot, New age constraints on the timing of volcanism in central Afar, and implications on emplacement and rifting, J.Geophys.Res.V.108.No.B2 10.1029/2001JB001689, 2003.
Mike Fuller, Tesfaye Kidane, and J. Ali, AF demagnetization characteristics of Natural, Anhysteretic and saturation Isothermal Remanent Magnetizations: an aid in the interpretation of NRM, Physics and Chemistry Earth. Parts A/B/C V.27. Issue 25-31.2002.Pages 1169-1177.
Tesfaye Kidane, Bekele Abebe, Vincent Couirtillot, and Emilio Herrero Bervera New Paleomagnetic Result From the Ethiopian Flood Basalt in the Abbay (Blue-Nile) and Kessem Gorges, Earth Planet Sci. Letter. V.203, pp353-367, 2002.
Isern, A.R., Anselmetti, F.S., Blum, P., Andresen, N., & scientific party (Birke, Tesfaye Kidane), 2002. Ocean Drilling Constrains Carbonate Platform Formation and Miocene Sea Level on the Australian Margin. Proc. ODP, Init. Repts., 194 [CD-ROM]. Available from: Ocean Drilling Program, Texas A&M University, College Station TX 77845-9547, USA.
Isern, A., Anselmetti, F.S., Blum, P., Andresen, N., Birke, Tesfaye Kidane, Bracco Gartner, G.L., Burns, S.J., Conesa, G.A.R., Delius, H., Dugan, B., Eberli, G.P., Ehrenberg, S., Fuller, M.D., Muller, P.H., Hine, A.C., Howell, M.W., John, C.M., Karner, G.D., Kindler, P.F., Olson, B.E., Sasaki, K., Stewart, D., Wei, W., White, T.S., Wood, J.L. and Yamada, T., 2001. Ocean Drilling Constrains Carbonate Platform Formation and Miocene Sea Level on the Australian Margin. EOS, 82(41): 469, 476.
Lahitte, P., E. Coulie, Tesfaye Kidane, N. Mercier and P.-Y. Gillot, K-Ar and TL volcanism chronology of the southern ends of the Red Sea spreading in Afar since 300 Ka, C.R. Acad.Sci. Paris, 332, 13-20, 2001a.
Tesfaye Kidane, Vincent Courtillot, Isabelle Manighetti, Laurence Audin, Pierre Lahitte, Xavier Quidelleur, Pierre-Yves Gillot, Yves Gallet, Julie Carlut, and Tigistu Haile, New Paleomagnetic Results from Ethiopian Afar: Determination of a ~2Ma reference pole for stable Africa, and of block rotations linked to rift propagation, J. Geophys.Res., 107, doi:10.1029/2001JB000645 (2003).
Carlut, J., Valet, J.-P., Quidelleur, X., Courtillot, V., Tesfaye Kidane, Gallet, Y., and P.-Y. Gillot, Paleointensity across the Reunion event in Ethiopia, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 170 , 17-34, 1999.
Tesfaye Kidane, J.Carlut, V.Courtillot, Y. Gallet, X. Quidelleur, P.-Y. Gillot, and Tigistu Haile, Paleomagnetic and Geochronological Identification of the Reunion Subchron in Ethiopian Afar, J. Geophys. Res., 104, B5, 10,405-10,419, 1999.
Valet, J.P., Tesfaye Kidane, Soler, V., Brassart, J., Courtillot, V., and L. Meynadier, Remagnetization in lava flows, recording pretransitional directions, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 9755-9775, 1998.
Foubert, A., Jaramillo-Vogel, D., Eisenhauer, A., Schaegis, J.-C., Atnafu, B. & Kidane, T. (2015) Coral reefs and microbial deposits in an active rift setting: insights from the Danakil Depression (Afar, Ethiopia). Abstract Book Bathurst Meeting 2015, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
Foubert, A., Jaramillo-Vogel, D., Eisenhauer,A., Schaegis, J.-C., Atnafu, B. & Kidane, T. (2015) SERENA - Sedimentary Record of the Northern Afar (Ethiopia) Coral reefs and microbial deposits in an active rift setting. 1st International Carbonate Mound Conference 2015, Monte Verita, Switzerland.
Atnafu, B., Kidane, T., Foubert, A., Jaramillo-Vogel, D., Schaegis, J.-C. & Henriet J.-P (2015) Reading history in Afar. EOS 96, 12-15.
Tesfaye Kidane, Yo-Ichiro Otofuji, Valerian Bachtadse, Yutaka Komatsu, Hisaya Shibasaki, Paleomagnetism of The Paleozoic Glacial Sediments of Northern Ethiopia; A Contribution Towards African Permian Paleogeography. CAG24, 1.4, 2013
Tesfaye Kidane, Mulugeta Alene; Valerian Bachtadse, Uwe Kirscher, Paleomagnetic investigations of the Rocks of Fentale Volcanoes in the Main Ethiopian Rift: Structural and Geochronological implications, CAG24, 3.1, 2013
Hyeon-seon Ahn, Yuhji Yamamoto, Tesfaye Kidane, Chitaro Gouzu, Yo-ichiro Otofuji; LTD-DHT Shaw paleointensities across the Reunion subchron from basaltic lava sequence of Ethiopian Afar. R004-03. 2013 Society of geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Science (SGEPSS) Fall Meeting, Kochi (Japan), November 2-5 (Oral).
Tesfaye Kidane, Ameha Atnafu, Julie Rowland, and Valerian Bachtadse; Block Rotation Linked to Southward Right-Stepping Propagation and Overlap of the Red Sea Rift Segments Afar Depression. T43C-2682, AGU2012.
Hyeon-seon Ahn, Tesfaye Kidane, Yo-ichiro Otofuji; A preliminary report on the paleomagnetic records from 2km long section of Oligocene Ethiopian flood basalts. R004-P006. 2013 Society of geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Science (SGEPSS) Fall Meeting, Japan.
Valerian Bachtadse, Tesfaye Kidane, Mulugeta Alene, & Uwe Kirscher; Paleomagnetism of Paleozoic Glacial Sediments of Northern Ethiopia; A Contribution Towards African Permian Paleogeography; GP21A-1134. AGU2012.
Hyeonseon Ahn, Tesfaye Kidane, Gen Shogaki; Yo-Ichiro Otofuji; Identification of the geomagnetic Réunion event from lava flows in the Dobi Cliff, Ethiopian Afar. GP13B-1132. AGU2012.
Hyeon-seon Ahn, Tesfaye Kidane, Gen Shougaki, Yo-ichiro Otofuji; Magnetostratigraphy and identification of the Reunion subchron from lava flows in the Dobi Cliff, Afar Depression. SEM21-04. 2012 Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) Meeting.
Valerian Bachtadse, Tesfaye Kidane, Mulugeta Alene, & Uwe Kirscher; Paleomagnetism of Paleozoic Glacial Sediments of Northern Ethiopia; A Contribution Towards African Permian Paleogeography; GP21A-1134. AGU2012.
Carter Kindley; Alexandra Macho; Mahlite A. Tsegaye; Joshua M. Feinberg; Bradley S. Singer; Brian R. Jicha; Maxwell C. Brown Tesfaye K. Birke; Paleointensity and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of basalts at Gamarri, Ethiopia: Correlation with the Réunion subchron and Huckleberry Ridge excursion? GP13B-1128. AGU2012.
Hyeon-Seon Ahn, Yo-ichiro Otofuji, Tesfaye Kidane, Gen Shogaki; A preliminary report of paleomagnetic study in Ethiopian Afar. A004-14. 2011 SGEPSS Fall Meeting.
Barbara Hofmann, Tim Wright, Julie Rowland, Sophie Hautot, Douglas Paton, Tesfaye Kidane and Bekele Abebe, Analysing fault growth at the continental break up zone in Afar, Ethiopia. Vol. 12, EGU2010-11672-2, 2010.
Tesfaye Kidane Yo-Ichiro Otofuji, Frank Brown, Kazuhiro Takemoto, and Getachew Eshete, Double Reunion Event From Revisited Shungura Formation, Omo Valley, Southwest Ethiopia. AGU, EOS, GP01- 1726, 2006.
Tesfaye Kidane, Vincent Courtillot and Isabelle Manighetti, Block Rotation Associated to Rift Propagation and Overlap in the Afar Depression, Determined from temporal and spatial paleomagnetic observation from volcanic rocks of the region. US-Africa workshop, June 24-26, 2004.
Tesfaye Kidane, Pierre Rochette, Bekele Abebe, and Pierre Lahitte, Preliminary Paleomagnetic Results From The Plio-Quaternary Volcanic Rocks of The Regions Around Assela, Nazreth, and Awash, Northern Sector of The Main Ethiopian Rift (MER), EARS Conference, Addis Ababa, June 16-23, 2004.
Tesfaye Kidane and Mike Fuller, Leg 194 Magnetostratigraphy, second post-cruise meeting, Granada, Spain 07-14 October 2002.
Vincent Courtillot, Tesfaye Kidane, X. Quidelleur, P-Y Gillot, Y.Gallet, and J. Carlut, Paleomagnetism and Geochronology in Ethiopian Afar: Constraints on Reversal Ages, Inclination Shallowing in Lava and Long Term Geometry of the Geomagnetic Field, and Determination of a ~2Ma Reference Pole for Stable Africa. AGU Fall Meeting 2001.
Tesfaye Kidane, Mike Fuller, and Leg 194 Shipboard Scientific Party, Paleomagnetic Age Estimate for an Acoustic Basement Emplacement and Later Remagnetization in Marion Plateau, ODP Leg 194, NE Australia EOS. Trans. AGU, 82(47), Fall. Meet. GP11A - 0199, 2001.
Emilio Herrero-Bervera, Tesfaye Kidane, and Jean-Pierre Valet, Paleomagnetism and Geomagnetic Secular Variation of the Honolulu Volcanic Series (0.033-0.78Ma), O’ahu, Hawaii, GP71A-10 AGU Fall Meeting, EOS, 81,48, 2000.
Tesfaye Kidane-Birke, Emilio Herrero-Bervera, Vincent Courtillot, and Bekele Abebe, Preliminary Paleomagnetic Results From the Ethiopian Flood Basalt in the Abbay (Blue Nile) and Kessem Gorges GP71A-02 AGU Fall Meeting, EOS,81,48, 2000
Tesfaye Kidane and V. Courtillot: Combined Paleomagnetic and Geochronologic Constraints on the Age of the Stratoid Basalt of Afar Depression, Ethiopia. GeoScience Symposium, EIGS, 1999.
Tapponnier, P., Jacques, E., Manighetti, I., Ruegg, J. C., and Tesfaye Kidane, Rupture Complexity and Block rotation in the Dobi and Arta Seismic Sequences, Int Symposium on flood basalts, rifting and paleoclimates in the Ethiopian Afar depression, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, p34, 1997.
Courtillot, V., Hofmann, C., Manighetti, I., Tesfaye Kidane and P. Tapponnier, Relations Between Plume birth and Continental Breakup: The case of the Ethiopian Traps and Afar Depression, Int Symposium on flood basalts, rifting, and paleoclimates in the Ethiopian rift and Afar depression, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, p16, 1997.
Valet, J. P., Soler, V., Brassart, J., Tesfaye Kidane and V.Courtillot, Remagnetization in volcanic records of reversals; EUG 9, Abstract supplement No.1., volume9, symposium 34, pp389, 1997.
Courtillot, V., Carlut, J., Valet, J.P., Quidelleur, X., Kidane, T., Gallet, Y. and Gillot, P-Y., 1997. Paleointensity results during the Reunion Event. AGU Fall Meeting, EOS, 78, 46, 185.
Carlut, J., Valet, J-P., Gallet, Y., Kidane, T., Courtillot, V., Quidelleur, X., and P.Y. Gillot, Preliminary paleointensity results during the Reunion event (Abstract), IAGA, Abstract book, Uppsala, 1997.
Tesfaye Kidane., Carlut, J., Courtillot, V., Gallet, Y., Haile, T., Quidelleur, X. and Gillot, P-Y., Identification of the Reunion event in Ethiopian Afar. EUG 9, Strasbourg, Terra Nova, 9, 312, 1997.
Tesfaye Kidane., Carlut, J., Courtillot, V., Gallet, Y., Haile, T., Quidelleur, X. and Gillot, P-Y., Identification of the Reunion event in Ethiopian Afar. Int. symposium flood basalts, rifting, and paleoclimates in the Ethiopian rift and Afar depression, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. P35, 1997.
Tesfaye Kidane., Courtillot, V., Manighetti, I., Gillot, P-Y., Audin, L., Coulaud, A., Scaillet, S. and Haile, T., Preliminary paleomagnetic results from central Afar. Int. symposium flood basalts, rifting, and paleoclimates in the Ethiopian rift and Afar depression, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. P35, 1997.
Tesfaye Kidane., Courtillot, V., Manighetti, I., Gillot, P-Y., Quidelleur, X., Gallet, Y., Scaillet, S., Audin, L. and Haile, T., Paleomagnetic mapping, block rotation and dating of the stratoid formation in central Afar (Ethiopia). AGU, EOS, 78, 46, 646, 1997.
Tesfaye Kidane., Courtillot, V., Manighetti, I., Gillot, P-Y., Gallet, Y., Audin, L., Tigistu, H. and Scaillet, S., Block rotations and rift propagation in Afar. EUG 9, Strasbourg, Terra Nova, 9, 389, 1997.
Tesfaye Kidane., Carlut, J., Courtillot, V., Gallet, Y., Haile, T., Quidelleur, X. and Gillot, P-Y., Identification of the Reunion event in Ethiopian Afar. GP 22A8 fall Meeting AGU, EOS, 77, 46, 1996.