Publications - Dr Andrew Green
  • Green, A.N., Dlamini, N.P., Cooper, J.A.G., Dladla, N.N., Parker, D., Kerwath, S. Relict and contemporary influences on postglacial shelf geomorphology and evolution: an analysis of the current swept Eastern Cape Coast, South Africa. Marine Geology (in press)

  • Pretorius, L., Green, A.N., Cooper, J.A.G., Hahn, A., Zabel, M. (2019). Outer- to inner-shelf response to stepped sea-level rise: Insights from incised valleys and submerged shorelines. Marine Geology 416, 105979

  • Cooper, J.A.G., Green, A.N., Vital, H. and Lima-Filho, F.P. (2019). Geomorphology and clast assemblages of intertidal beachrock: Implications for submerged shoreline preservation. Geomorphology 343, 106-118.

  • Green, A.N., Pillay, T., Cooper, J.A.G., Guisado-Pintado, E. (2019). Stratigraphy and morphodynamics of barriers with intermittent inlets: examples from South Africa. Earth. Surf. Proc and Landforms (in press).Cooper, J.A.G., Green, A.N., Meireles, R., Klein, A.H.F., de Abreu, J.G.N., Toldo, E.E., (2019). Tidal strait to embayment: Seismic stratigraphy and evolution of a rock-bounded embayment in the context of Holocene sea level change. Marine Geology, p.10597

  • Dladla, N.N., Green, A.N., Cooper, J.A.G., Humphries, M.S. (2019),  Geological inheritance and its role in the geomorphological and sedimentological evolution of bedrock-hosted incised valleys, lake St Lucia, South Africa. Estuarine and Coastal Shelf Science 222, 154-167

  • Kirkpatrick, L., Jacob, J., Green, A.N. (2019),. Beaches and bedrock: How geological framework controls coastal morphology and the relative grade of a Southern Namibian diamond placer deposit. Ore Geology Reviews, 107, 853-862

  • Kirkpatrick, L., Green, A.N., Pether, J. (2019). The seismic stratigraphy of the inner shelf of southern Namibia: The development of an unusual nearshore shelf stratigraphy. Mar. Geol. 408, 18-35.Wiles, E.A., Green, A.N., Watkeys, M.K., Botes, Z.A., Jokat, W. (2019). Submarine canyons of NW Madagascar: a first geomorphological insight. Deep Sea Res. II 161, 5-15

  • Wiles, E.A., Green, A.N., Cooper, J.A.G. (2019). Rapid beachrock cementation of a South African beach: Linking morphodynamics and cement style. Sed. Geol. 378, 13-18

  • Cooper, J.A.G., Green, A.N., Loureiro, C. (2018). Geological constraints on mesoscale coastal barrier behaviour. Glob. Plan. Change 168, 15-34.

  • Kirkpatrick, L., Green, A.N. (2018), Antecedent geologic control on nearshore morphological development: the wave dominated, high sediment supply shoreface of southern Namibia. Mar. Geol 403, 34-47.

  • Cooper, J.A.G., Green, A.N., Compton, J.S., (2018). Holocene sea-level change in southern Africa. Quat. Sci. Rev. 201, 303-318.

  • Green, A.N., Cooper, J.A.G., Salzmann, L. (2018). The role of shelf morphology and antecedent setting in the preservation of palaeo-shoreline (beachrock and aeolianite) sequences: the SE African shelf. Geo-Marine Letters 38, 5-18.

  • Pretorius, L., Green, A.N., Cooper, J.A.G. (2018). Submerged beachrock preservation in the context of wave ravinement. Geo-Marine Letters 38, 19-32

  • Hahn, A., Miller, C., Andó, S., Bouimetarhan, I., Cawthra, H.C., Garzanti, E., Green, A.N., Radeff, G., Schefuß, E., Zabel, M. (2018). The provenance of terrigenous components in marine sediments along the east coast of southern Africa. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 19(7), pp.1946-1962.

  • Cooper, J.A.G., Green, A.N., Meireles, R., Klein, A.H.F., Toldo, E., Jr. (2018). Late Quaternary stratigraphic evolution of the inner continental shelf in response to sea-level change, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Mar. Geol. 397, 1-14 

  • Cooper, J.A.G., Green, A.N., Wiles, E.A. (2017). Beachrock morphology and genesis on a paraglacial beach. Sedimentary Geology 360, 47-53.

  • Hicks, N., Green, A.N., (2017). A Mid-Miocene erosional unconformity from the Durban Basin, SE African margin: A combination of global eustatic sea level change, epeirogenic uplift, and ocean current initiation. Mar. Petr. Geol. 86, 798-811.

  • Hicks, N., Green, A.N., (2017). A first assessment of potential stratigraphic traps for geological storage of CO2 in the Durban Basin, South Africa. J. Greenhouse Gas Control 64, 73-86.

  • De Lecea, A.M., Green, A.N., Cooper, J.A.G., Strachan, K., Wiles, E.A. (2017). Stepped Holocene sea level rise controls back-barrier changes in a large sheltered marine embayment: Maputo Bay, Mozambique. Est. Coast. Shelf Sci. 193, 25-36.

  • Gomes, M., Humphries, M.S., Kirsten, K., Green, A.N., Finch, J., De Lecea, A.M., 2017. Diatom-inferred hydrological changes and Holocene geomorphic transitioning of Africa's largest estuarine system, Lake St Lucia. Est. Coast. Shelf Sci. 192, 170-180

  • Wiles, E.A., Green, A.N., Watkeys, M.K., Jokat, W., Krocker, R. (2017). Zambezi continental margin: compartmentalized sediment transfer routes to the abyssal Mozambique Channel. Mar. Geophys. Res. 38, 227-240

  • Wiles, E.A., Green, A.N., Watkeys, M.K., Jokat, W., Krocker, R. (2017). The Zambezi Channel: a new perspective on submarine channel evolution at low latitudes. Geomorphology, 286, 121-132

  • Hicks, N., Green, A.N. (2016). Sedimentology and depositional architecture of a submarine delta-fan complex in the Durban Basin, South Africa. Marine and Petroleum Geology 78, 390-404.

  • Humphries, M.S., Green, A.N., Finch, J.F. (2016). Evidence of desiccation cycles in a shallow estuarine lake: the evolution and fate of Africa’s largest estuarine system, Lake St Lucia. Glob. Planet. Change 147, 97-105.

  • Cooper, J.A.G., Green, A.N., Meireles, R.P., Klein, A.H.F., Souza, J., Toldo Jr., E., E. (2016). Sandy barrier overstepping, burial and preservation during rapid sea level rise: an example from southern Brazil. Mar. Geol. 382, 80-91.

  • Green, A.N., Cooper, J.A.G., Salzmann, L. (2016). Longshore grading in a boulder beach. Journal of Sedimentary Research 86, 1123-1128.

  • Cooper, J.A.G., Green, A.N. (2016). Geomorphology and preservation potential of coastal and submerged aeolianite: examples from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Geomorphology, 271, 1-12.

  • Benallack, K., Green, A.N., Humphries, M.S., Cooper, J.A.G., Finch, J.M., Dladla, N.N. (2016). The stratigraphic evolution of a large back-barrier lagoon system with a non-migrating barrier. Mar. Geol., 379, 64-77

  • Pretorius, L., Green, A.N., Cooper, J.A.G. (2016). Submerged shoreline preservation and ravinement during rapid sea level rise and subsequent slowstand. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 128, 1059-1069.

  • Green, A.N., MacKay, F. (2016). Unconsolidated sediment distribution patterns of the KwaZulu-Natal Bight: the role of wave ravinement in separating relict versus passive sediment populations. Afr. J. Mar. Sci., 38, S65-S74.

  • Weschenfelder, J. Klein, A.H.F., Green, A.N., Aliotta, S., de Mahiques, M.M., Neto, A.A., Terra, L.C., Corrêa, I.C.S., Calliari, L.J., Montoya, I., Ginsberg, S.S., Griep. G.H. (2016). The control of palaeo-topography in the preservation of shallow gas accumulation: Examples from Brazil, Argentina and South Africa. Estuarine and Coastal Shelf Science 172, 93-107.

  • Green, A.N., Dlamini, N.P., Cooper, J.A.G., Dladla, N.N., Parker, D., Kerwath, S. Relict and contemporary influences on postglacial shelf geomorphology and evolution: an analysis of the current swept Eastern Cape Coast, South Africa. Marine Geology (in press)
  • Pretorius, L., Green, A.N., Cooper, J.A.G., Hahn, A., Zabel, M. (2019). Outer- to inner-shelf response to stepped sea-level rise: Insights from incised valleys and submerged shorelines. Marine Geology 416, 105979
  • Cooper, J.A.G., Green, A.N., Vital, H. and Lima-Filho, F.P. (2019). Geomorphology and clast assemblages of intertidal beachrock: Implications for submerged shoreline preservation. Geomorphology 343, 106-118.
  • Green, A.N., Pillay, T., Cooper, J.A.G., Guisado-Pintado, E. (2019). Stratigraphy and morphodynamics of barriers with intermittent inlets: examples from South Africa. Earth. Surf. Proc and Landforms (in press).
  • Cooper, J.A.G., Green, A.N., Meireles, R., Klein, A.H.F., de Abreu, J.G.N., Toldo, E.E., (2019). Tidal strait to embayment: Seismic stratigraphy and evolution of a rock-bounded embayment in the context of Holocene sea level change. Marine Geology, p.105972.
  • Dladla, N.N., Green, A.N., Cooper, J.A.G., Humphries, M.S. (2019), Geological inheritance and its role in the geomorphological and sedimentological evolution of bedrock-hosted incised valleys, lake St Lucia, South Africa. Estuarine and Coastal Shelf Science 222, 154-167
  • Kirkpatrick, L., Jacob, J., Green, A.N. (2019),. Beaches and bedrock: How geological framework controls coastal morphology and the relative grade of a Southern Namibian diamond placer deposit. Ore Geology Reviews, 107, 853-862
  • Kirkpatrick, L., Green, A.N., Pether, J. (2019). The seismic stratigraphy of the inner shelf of southern Namibia: The development of an unusual nearshore shelf stratigraphy. Mar. Geol. 408, 18-35.
  • Wiles, E.A., Green, A.N., Watkeys, M.K., Botes, Z.A., Jokat, W. (2019). Submarine canyons of NW Madagascar: a first geomorphological insight. Deep Sea Res. II 161, 5-15
  • Wiles, E.A., Green, A.N., Cooper, J.A.G. (2019). Rapid beachrock cementation of a South African beach: Linking morphodynamics and cement style. Sed. Geol. 378, 13-18
  • Cooper, J.A.G., Green, A.N., Loureiro, C. (2018). Geological constraints on mesoscale coastal barrier behaviour. Glob. Plan. Change 168, 15-34.
  • Kirkpatrick, L., Green, A.N. (2018), Antecedent geologic control on nearshore morphological development: the wave dominated, high sediment supply shoreface of southern Namibia. Mar. Geol 403, 34-47.
  • Cooper, J.A.G., Green, A.N., Compton, J.S., (2018). Holocene sea-level change in southern Africa. Quat. Sci. Rev. 201, 303-318.
  • Green, A.N., Cooper, J.A.G., Salzmann, L. (2018). The role of shelf morphology and antecedent setting in the preservation of palaeo-shoreline (beachrock and aeolianite) sequences: the SE African shelf. Geo-Marine Letters 38, 5-18.
  • Pretorius, L., Green, A.N., Cooper, J.A.G. (2018). Submerged beachrock preservation in the context of wave ravinement. Geo-Marine Letters 38, 19-32
  • Hahn, A., Miller, C., Andó, S., Bouimetarhan, I., Cawthra, H.C., Garzanti, E., Green, A.N., Radeff, G., Schefuß, E., Zabel, M. (2018). The provenance of terrigenous components in marine sediments along the east coast of southern Africa. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 19(7), pp.1946-1962.
  • Cooper, J.A.G., Green, A.N., Meireles, R., Klein, A.H.F., Toldo, E., Jr. (2018). Late Quaternary stratigraphic evolution of the inner continental shelf in response to sea-level change, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Mar. Geol. 397, 1-14
  • Cooper, J.A.G., Green, A.N., Wiles, E.A. (2017). Beachrock morphology and genesis on a paraglacial beach. Sedimentary Geology 360, 47-53.
  • Hicks, N., Green, A.N., (2017). A Mid-Miocene erosional unconformity from the Durban Basin, SE African margin: A combination of global eustatic sea level change, epeirogenic uplift, and ocean current initiation. Mar. Petr. Geol. 86, 798-811.
  • Hicks, N., Green, A.N., (2017). A first assessment of potential stratigraphic traps for geological storage of CO2 in the Durban Basin, South Africa. J. Greenhouse Gas Control 64, 73-86.
  • De Lecea, A.M., Green, A.N., Cooper, J.A.G., Strachan, K., Wiles, E.A. (2017). Stepped Holocene sea level rise controls back-barrier changes in a large sheltered marine embayment: Maputo Bay, Mozambique. Est. Coast. Shelf Sci. 193, 25-36.
  • Gomes, M., Humphries, M.S., Kirsten, K., Green, A.N., Finch, J., De Lecea, A.M., 2017. Diatom-inferred hydrological changes and Holocene geomorphic transitioning of Africa's largest estuarine system, Lake St Lucia. Est. Coast. Shelf Sci. 192, 170-180
  • Wiles, E.A., Green, A.N., Watkeys, M.K., Jokat, W., Krocker, R. (2017). Zambezi continental margin: compartmentalized sediment transfer routes to the abyssal Mozambique Channel. Mar. Geophys. Res. 38, 227-240
  • Wiles, E.A., Green, A.N., Watkeys, M.K., Jokat, W., Krocker, R. (2017). The Zambezi Channel: a new perspective on submarine channel evolution at low latitudes. Geomorphology, 286, 121-132
  • Hicks, N., Green, A.N. (2016). Sedimentology and depositional architecture of a submarine delta-fan complex in the Durban Basin, South Africa. Marine and Petroleum Geology 78, 390-404.
  • Humphries, M.S., Green, A.N., Finch, J.F. (2016). Evidence of desiccation cycles in a shallow estuarine lake: the evolution and fate of Africa’s largest estuarine system, Lake St Lucia. Glob. Planet. Change 147, 97-105.
  • Cooper, J.A.G., Green, A.N., Meireles, R.P., Klein, A.H.F., Souza, J., Toldo Jr., E., E. (2016). Sandy barrier overstepping, burial and preservation during rapid sea level rise: an example from southern Brazil. Mar. Geol. 382, 80-91.
  • Green, A.N., Cooper, J.A.G., Salzmann, L. (2016). Longshore grading in a boulder beach. Journal of Sedimentary Research 86, 1123-1128.
  • Cooper, J.A.G., Green, A.N. (2016). Geomorphology and preservation potential of coastal and submerged aeolianite: examples from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Geomorphology, 271, 1-12.
  • Benallack, K., Green, A.N., Humphries, M.S., Cooper, J.A.G., Finch, J.M., Dladla, N.N. (2016). The stratigraphic evolution of a large back-barrier lagoon system with a non-migrating barrier. Mar. Geol., 379, 64-77
  • Pretorius, L., Green, A.N., Cooper, J.A.G. (2016). Submerged shoreline preservation and ravinement during rapid sea level rise and subsequent slowstand. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 128, 1059-1069.
  • Green, A.N., MacKay, F. (2016). Unconsolidated sediment distribution patterns of the KwaZulu-Natal Bight: the role of wave ravinement in separating relict versus passive sediment populations. Afr. J. Mar. Sci., 38, S65-S74.
  • Weschenfelder, J. Klein, A.H.F., Green, A.N., Aliotta, S., de Mahiques, M.M., Neto, A.A., Terra, L.C., Corrêa, I.C.S., Calliari, L.J., Montoya, I., Ginsberg, S.S., Griep. G.H. (2016). The control of palaeo-topography in the preservation of shallow gas accumulation: Examples from Brazil, Argentina and South Africa. Estuarine and Coastal Shelf Science 172, 93-107.