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Publications - Dr Andrew Green
Green, A.N., Dlamini, N.P., Cooper, J.A.G., Dladla, N.N., Parker, D., Kerwath, S. Relict and contemporary influences on postglacial shelf geomorphology and evolution: an analysis of the current swept Eastern Cape Coast, South Africa. Marine Geology (in press)
Pretorius, L., Green, A.N., Cooper, J.A.G., Hahn, A., Zabel, M. (2019). Outer- to inner-shelf response to stepped sea-level rise: Insights from incised valleys and submerged shorelines. Marine Geology 416, 105979
Cooper, J.A.G., Green, A.N., Vital, H. and Lima-Filho, F.P. (2019). Geomorphology and clast assemblages of intertidal beachrock: Implications for submerged shoreline preservation. Geomorphology 343, 106-118.
Green, A.N., Pillay, T., Cooper, J.A.G., Guisado-Pintado, E. (2019). Stratigraphy and morphodynamics of barriers with intermittent inlets: examples from South Africa. Earth. Surf. Proc and Landforms (in press).Cooper, J.A.G., Green, A.N., Meireles, R., Klein, A.H.F., de Abreu, J.G.N., Toldo, E.E., (2019). Tidal strait to embayment: Seismic stratigraphy and evolution of a rock-bounded embayment in the context of Holocene sea level change. Marine Geology, p.10597
Dladla, N.N., Green, A.N., Cooper, J.A.G., Humphries, M.S. (2019), Geological inheritance and its role in the geomorphological and sedimentological evolution of bedrock-hosted incised valleys, lake St Lucia, South Africa. Estuarine and Coastal Shelf Science 222, 154-167
Kirkpatrick, L., Jacob, J., Green, A.N. (2019),. Beaches and bedrock: How geological framework controls coastal morphology and the relative grade of a Southern Namibian diamond placer deposit. Ore Geology Reviews, 107, 853-862
Kirkpatrick, L., Green, A.N., Pether, J. (2019). The seismic stratigraphy of the inner shelf of southern Namibia: The development of an unusual nearshore shelf stratigraphy. Mar. Geol. 408, 18-35.Wiles, E.A., Green, A.N., Watkeys, M.K., Botes, Z.A., Jokat, W. (2019). Submarine canyons of NW Madagascar: a first geomorphological insight. Deep Sea Res. II 161, 5-15
Wiles, E.A., Green, A.N., Cooper, J.A.G. (2019). Rapid beachrock cementation of a South African beach: Linking morphodynamics and cement style. Sed. Geol. 378, 13-18
Cooper, J.A.G., Green, A.N., Loureiro, C. (2018). Geological constraints on mesoscale coastal barrier behaviour. Glob. Plan. Change 168, 15-34.
Kirkpatrick, L., Green, A.N. (2018), Antecedent geologic control on nearshore morphological development: the wave dominated, high sediment supply shoreface of southern Namibia. Mar. Geol 403, 34-47.
Cooper, J.A.G., Green, A.N., Compton, J.S., (2018). Holocene sea-level change in southern Africa. Quat. Sci. Rev. 201, 303-318.
Green, A.N., Cooper, J.A.G., Salzmann, L. (2018). The role of shelf morphology and antecedent setting in the preservation of palaeo-shoreline (beachrock and aeolianite) sequences: the SE African shelf. Geo-Marine Letters 38, 5-18.
Pretorius, L., Green, A.N., Cooper, J.A.G. (2018). Submerged beachrock preservation in the context of wave ravinement. Geo-Marine Letters 38, 19-32
Hahn, A., Miller, C., Andó, S., Bouimetarhan, I., Cawthra, H.C., Garzanti, E., Green, A.N., Radeff, G., Schefuß, E., Zabel, M. (2018). The provenance of terrigenous components in marine sediments along the east coast of southern Africa. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 19(7), pp.1946-1962.
Cooper, J.A.G., Green, A.N., Meireles, R., Klein, A.H.F., Toldo, E., Jr. (2018). Late Quaternary stratigraphic evolution of the inner continental shelf in response to sea-level change, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Mar. Geol. 397, 1-14
Cooper, J.A.G., Green, A.N., Wiles, E.A. (2017). Beachrock morphology and genesis on a paraglacial beach. Sedimentary Geology 360, 47-53.
Hicks, N., Green, A.N., (2017). A Mid-Miocene erosional unconformity from the Durban Basin, SE African margin: A combination of global eustatic sea level change, epeirogenic uplift, and ocean current initiation. Mar. Petr. Geol. 86, 798-811.
Hicks, N., Green, A.N., (2017). A first assessment of potential stratigraphic traps for geological storage of CO2 in the Durban Basin, South Africa. J. Greenhouse Gas Control 64, 73-86.
De Lecea, A.M., Green, A.N., Cooper, J.A.G., Strachan, K., Wiles, E.A. (2017). Stepped Holocene sea level rise controls back-barrier changes in a large sheltered marine embayment: Maputo Bay, Mozambique. Est. Coast. Shelf Sci. 193, 25-36.
Gomes, M., Humphries, M.S., Kirsten, K., Green, A.N., Finch, J., De Lecea, A.M., 2017. Diatom-inferred hydrological changes and Holocene geomorphic transitioning of Africa's largest estuarine system, Lake St Lucia. Est. Coast. Shelf Sci. 192, 170-180
Wiles, E.A., Green, A.N., Watkeys, M.K., Jokat, W., Krocker, R. (2017). Zambezi continental margin: compartmentalized sediment transfer routes to the abyssal Mozambique Channel. Mar. Geophys. Res. 38, 227-240
Wiles, E.A., Green, A.N., Watkeys, M.K., Jokat, W., Krocker, R. (2017). The Zambezi Channel: a new perspective on submarine channel evolution at low latitudes. Geomorphology, 286, 121-132
Hicks, N., Green, A.N. (2016). Sedimentology and depositional architecture of a submarine delta-fan complex in the Durban Basin, South Africa. Marine and Petroleum Geology 78, 390-404.
Humphries, M.S., Green, A.N., Finch, J.F. (2016). Evidence of desiccation cycles in a shallow estuarine lake: the evolution and fate of Africa’s largest estuarine system, Lake St Lucia. Glob. Planet. Change 147, 97-105.
Cooper, J.A.G., Green, A.N., Meireles, R.P., Klein, A.H.F., Souza, J., Toldo Jr., E., E. (2016). Sandy barrier overstepping, burial and preservation during rapid sea level rise: an example from southern Brazil. Mar. Geol. 382, 80-91.
Green, A.N., Cooper, J.A.G., Salzmann, L. (2016). Longshore grading in a boulder beach. Journal of Sedimentary Research 86, 1123-1128.
Cooper, J.A.G., Green, A.N. (2016). Geomorphology and preservation potential of coastal and submerged aeolianite: examples from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Geomorphology, 271, 1-12.
Benallack, K., Green, A.N., Humphries, M.S., Cooper, J.A.G., Finch, J.M., Dladla, N.N. (2016). The stratigraphic evolution of a large back-barrier lagoon system with a non-migrating barrier. Mar. Geol., 379, 64-77
Pretorius, L., Green, A.N., Cooper, J.A.G. (2016). Submerged shoreline preservation and ravinement during rapid sea level rise and subsequent slowstand. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 128, 1059-1069.
Green, A.N., MacKay, F. (2016). Unconsolidated sediment distribution patterns of the KwaZulu-Natal Bight: the role of wave ravinement in separating relict versus passive sediment populations. Afr. J. Mar. Sci., 38, S65-S74.
Weschenfelder, J. Klein, A.H.F., Green, A.N., Aliotta, S., de Mahiques, M.M., Neto, A.A., Terra, L.C., Corrêa, I.C.S., Calliari, L.J., Montoya, I., Ginsberg, S.S., Griep. G.H. (2016). The control of palaeo-topography in the preservation of shallow gas accumulation: Examples from Brazil, Argentina and South Africa. Estuarine and Coastal Shelf Science 172, 93-107.
Green, A.N., Dlamini, N.P., Cooper, J.A.G., Dladla, N.N., Parker, D., Kerwath, S. Relict and contemporary influences on postglacial shelf geomorphology and evolution: an analysis of the current swept Eastern Cape Coast, South Africa. Marine Geology (in press)
Pretorius, L., Green, A.N., Cooper, J.A.G., Hahn, A., Zabel, M. (2019). Outer- to inner-shelf response to stepped sea-level rise: Insights from incised valleys and submerged shorelines. Marine Geology 416, 105979
Cooper, J.A.G., Green, A.N., Vital, H. and Lima-Filho, F.P. (2019). Geomorphology and clast assemblages of intertidal beachrock: Implications for submerged shoreline preservation. Geomorphology 343, 106-118.
Green, A.N., Pillay, T., Cooper, J.A.G., Guisado-Pintado, E. (2019). Stratigraphy and morphodynamics of barriers with intermittent inlets: examples from South Africa. Earth. Surf. Proc and Landforms (in press).
Cooper, J.A.G., Green, A.N., Meireles, R., Klein, A.H.F., de Abreu, J.G.N., Toldo, E.E., (2019). Tidal strait to embayment: Seismic stratigraphy and evolution of a rock-bounded embayment in the context of Holocene sea level change. Marine Geology, p.105972.
Dladla, N.N., Green, A.N., Cooper, J.A.G., Humphries, M.S. (2019), Geological inheritance and its role in the geomorphological and sedimentological evolution of bedrock-hosted incised valleys, lake St Lucia, South Africa. Estuarine and Coastal Shelf Science 222, 154-167
Kirkpatrick, L., Jacob, J., Green, A.N. (2019),. Beaches and bedrock: How geological framework controls coastal morphology and the relative grade of a Southern Namibian diamond placer deposit. Ore Geology Reviews, 107, 853-862
Kirkpatrick, L., Green, A.N., Pether, J. (2019). The seismic stratigraphy of the inner shelf of southern Namibia: The development of an unusual nearshore shelf stratigraphy. Mar. Geol. 408, 18-35.
Wiles, E.A., Green, A.N., Watkeys, M.K., Botes, Z.A., Jokat, W. (2019). Submarine canyons of NW Madagascar: a first geomorphological insight. Deep Sea Res. II 161, 5-15
Wiles, E.A., Green, A.N., Cooper, J.A.G. (2019). Rapid beachrock cementation of a South African beach: Linking morphodynamics and cement style. Sed. Geol. 378, 13-18
Cooper, J.A.G., Green, A.N., Loureiro, C. (2018). Geological constraints on mesoscale coastal barrier behaviour. Glob. Plan. Change 168, 15-34.
Kirkpatrick, L., Green, A.N. (2018), Antecedent geologic control on nearshore morphological development: the wave dominated, high sediment supply shoreface of southern Namibia. Mar. Geol 403, 34-47.
Cooper, J.A.G., Green, A.N., Compton, J.S., (2018). Holocene sea-level change in southern Africa. Quat. Sci. Rev. 201, 303-318.
Green, A.N., Cooper, J.A.G., Salzmann, L. (2018). The role of shelf morphology and antecedent setting in the preservation of palaeo-shoreline (beachrock and aeolianite) sequences: the SE African shelf. Geo-Marine Letters 38, 5-18.
Pretorius, L., Green, A.N., Cooper, J.A.G. (2018). Submerged beachrock preservation in the context of wave ravinement. Geo-Marine Letters 38, 19-32
Hahn, A., Miller, C., Andó, S., Bouimetarhan, I., Cawthra, H.C., Garzanti, E., Green, A.N., Radeff, G., Schefuß, E., Zabel, M. (2018). The provenance of terrigenous components in marine sediments along the east coast of southern Africa. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 19(7), pp.1946-1962.
Cooper, J.A.G., Green, A.N., Meireles, R., Klein, A.H.F., Toldo, E., Jr. (2018). Late Quaternary stratigraphic evolution of the inner continental shelf in response to sea-level change, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Mar. Geol. 397, 1-14
Cooper, J.A.G., Green, A.N., Wiles, E.A. (2017). Beachrock morphology and genesis on a paraglacial beach. Sedimentary Geology 360, 47-53.
Hicks, N., Green, A.N., (2017). A Mid-Miocene erosional unconformity from the Durban Basin, SE African margin: A combination of global eustatic sea level change, epeirogenic uplift, and ocean current initiation. Mar. Petr. Geol. 86, 798-811.
Hicks, N., Green, A.N., (2017). A first assessment of potential stratigraphic traps for geological storage of CO2 in the Durban Basin, South Africa. J. Greenhouse Gas Control 64, 73-86.
De Lecea, A.M., Green, A.N., Cooper, J.A.G., Strachan, K., Wiles, E.A. (2017). Stepped Holocene sea level rise controls back-barrier changes in a large sheltered marine embayment: Maputo Bay, Mozambique. Est. Coast. Shelf Sci. 193, 25-36.
Gomes, M., Humphries, M.S., Kirsten, K., Green, A.N., Finch, J., De Lecea, A.M., 2017. Diatom-inferred hydrological changes and Holocene geomorphic transitioning of Africa's largest estuarine system, Lake St Lucia. Est. Coast. Shelf Sci. 192, 170-180
Wiles, E.A., Green, A.N., Watkeys, M.K., Jokat, W., Krocker, R. (2017). Zambezi continental margin: compartmentalized sediment transfer routes to the abyssal Mozambique Channel. Mar. Geophys. Res. 38, 227-240
Wiles, E.A., Green, A.N., Watkeys, M.K., Jokat, W., Krocker, R. (2017). The Zambezi Channel: a new perspective on submarine channel evolution at low latitudes. Geomorphology, 286, 121-132
Hicks, N., Green, A.N. (2016). Sedimentology and depositional architecture of a submarine delta-fan complex in the Durban Basin, South Africa. Marine and Petroleum Geology 78, 390-404.
Humphries, M.S., Green, A.N., Finch, J.F. (2016). Evidence of desiccation cycles in a shallow estuarine lake: the evolution and fate of Africa’s largest estuarine system, Lake St Lucia. Glob. Planet. Change 147, 97-105.
Cooper, J.A.G., Green, A.N., Meireles, R.P., Klein, A.H.F., Souza, J., Toldo Jr., E., E. (2016). Sandy barrier overstepping, burial and preservation during rapid sea level rise: an example from southern Brazil. Mar. Geol. 382, 80-91.
Green, A.N., Cooper, J.A.G., Salzmann, L. (2016). Longshore grading in a boulder beach. Journal of Sedimentary Research 86, 1123-1128.
Cooper, J.A.G., Green, A.N. (2016). Geomorphology and preservation potential of coastal and submerged aeolianite: examples from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Geomorphology, 271, 1-12.
Benallack, K., Green, A.N., Humphries, M.S., Cooper, J.A.G., Finch, J.M., Dladla, N.N. (2016). The stratigraphic evolution of a large back-barrier lagoon system with a non-migrating barrier. Mar. Geol., 379, 64-77
Pretorius, L., Green, A.N., Cooper, J.A.G. (2016). Submerged shoreline preservation and ravinement during rapid sea level rise and subsequent slowstand. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 128, 1059-1069.
Green, A.N., MacKay, F. (2016). Unconsolidated sediment distribution patterns of the KwaZulu-Natal Bight: the role of wave ravinement in separating relict versus passive sediment populations. Afr. J. Mar. Sci., 38, S65-S74.
Weschenfelder, J. Klein, A.H.F., Green, A.N., Aliotta, S., de Mahiques, M.M., Neto, A.A., Terra, L.C., Corrêa, I.C.S., Calliari, L.J., Montoya, I., Ginsberg, S.S., Griep. G.H. (2016). The control of palaeo-topography in the preservation of shallow gas accumulation: Examples from Brazil, Argentina and South Africa. Estuarine and Coastal Shelf Science 172, 93-107.